Tuesday, November 16, 2010

This Just Needs to Be Said...

I liked Avatar. I didn't love it more than anything, but I liked it.

And guess what? So did tons of other people. The movie didn't just make money, it made crazy crazy money. A lot of people found value in Cameron's work.

So please, can we shut the hell up about how it was actually terrible and such already? This is beginning to become the film critic version of people who still insist Iraq had huge stockpiles of WMDs. It's cool if someone didn't like it, but this "Oh am I the only one who realized how bad this is?" sort of whine about this particular film is now going on a year and a half or so and it's really really old.

So let me answer that: No, person who has to keep complaining whenever the movie is mentioned even casually...you aren't alone. You are, however, commercially irrelevant. Much as I was when Titanic came out (though I didn't find that film terrible, just a bit long and overhyped). And the solution to that is not to make a nuisance of yourself whenever one of the most popular films ever is brought up. Because it will be brought up sometimes.

So deal.


Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Okay So Thank God That's Over

Yesterday was the end of the midterm elections and my final divorce decree came in the mail.

So yeah, I'm taking this as a sign or something and trying to concentrate on moving forward.

Speaking of...

New writing projects coming up. Including, assuming all goes right, my own setting for an rpg. Well, not my own but our own, as I'm developing with a friend and fellow freelancer.

Working title is Colors. And no, that probably won't tell you a bunch about it right now. But there's not a lot to it right now. Just some great ideas and a lot of work to do. Hopefully it will happen, as I think it's really fun.

Might do this NaNoWriMo thing despite being a few days into the month and having not started but...man, who picks November for this? Ask me January or February.