Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Now I'm All Jittery...

Just finished the first draft of another project and I find myself all...jittery.

It's kinda weird after most of the year having a project THAT MUST BE DONE ASAP AAAAAAA!!!!!!!! to have a short break.

Sadly, I was technically a day and half late with this one, but part of the reason for that was my using a week or so of my time finishing another rush job. And I have no doubt I'll be on time or early with the edits, as I turned in some of the stuff early for this one and already know what I need to change.

And the guy in charge of the whole thing (whose name I withhold since that pretty much spills what the still under NDA project is) paid me a very nice compliment about one of my sections. He said it gave a better explanation of the "hows and whys" of the topic at hand than he had seen before.

It's those little things that really make this sort of work fun. Harrowing at times, but fun.

Monday, April 07, 2008

So anyhoo...

Been busy with writing and a bunch of other stuff but have had the chance to enjoy two things which I pass on to anyone reading:

a) Doomsday (film)
Did you like Dog Soldiers? Descent? Do you like Mad Max? Escape from NY? Would you like to see the maker of Dog Soldiers and Descent do his version of Mad Max and Escape from NY? Me too. That's why I went to see Doomsday. This film is likely to be criminally misunderstood and under appreciated, like a post-apocalyptic version of Slither or Shoot 'Em Up. It is one of the few films I feel comfortable saying that if you didn't at least like it a didn't get it.

b) The Blade Itself (book)
Very fun new fantasy series written by newcomer Joe Abercrombie. For one thing, this book has the best wizard ever and I'm not usually a huge fan of the wize old wizard character. It also has one of the top 5 barbarian characters ever. Logen Ninefingers might not beat out Conan or Kull, but he's a contender.