Sunday, February 10, 2008

New Job...maybe

Had an interview yesterday and will be going in again on Tues. Not the precise field of law I want to work in forever necessarily but it looks to be good experience and a step up from what I'm doing currently. The office environment seems nice and the head of the firm seems like a decent guy, even if a few of his questions were odd.

Course I suspect he was trying to "throw me off" to see how I'd respond, which I can understand if that was the case. Either that or it was just his general demeanor and I wasn't used to it, but it was nothing that really bothered me beyong a subtly raised eyebrow.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

And Done...Again!

The additional writing gig I got from my earlier one is done. I had a bit of writer's block at the end but I got through it thanks to Atilla the Hun.

And no, I'm not gonna explain that...just trust me.

Now to take a short break. I have an interview on Saturday for an attorney position. I figure after that I'll dive back into writing. I still have a backlog of "to do" stuff writing wise and it keeps me from getting bothered about other things that have been weighing on my mind of late...much.

I'm also considereding volunteering for Obama's campaign. I'm not too keen on stuffing envelopes or whatever, but if they had a place for someone with my skills I would gladly volunteer some time.