So Dragon Age...
Kinda slowed my writing for a week or so. Its a fantastic game and I recommend it to anyone who likes fantasy rpgs. But man, it's a time sink. And I'm still playing it, now on my second character.
Still, that was a nice diversion but I need to finish some other stuff. Writing had a brief spurt and then fizzled a bit but I'm using this as a chance to give my last chunk of stuff a chance to stew and bit so I can see if I actually still like it or if I need a new idea or severe rewrite.
Novel ideas keep swirling around in my head half formed. I think I'm going to soon pick one of the "easier" ones and start on it. Some of my ideas are neat, but very research heavy or perhaps a tad ambitious. When I find myself saying "And then in the third book..." maybe I should tackle something a bit more self-contained to start.
I'm starting to get annoyed with the diminishing return that is game writing. I love rpgs, but the money is crap and there's always some fan out there who completely hates your stuff and is more than willing to trash on it. Add to this it's not a whole lot easier to get people to return emails and the like and it's often not worth the trouble.
That said, I'm not going to stop trying to work on that stuff completely. I just think my focus will shift.
But that doesn't mean I will stop writing about the sort of things you find in games. Right now top of my "easy novel" ideas is a procedural that features the world's biggest dwarf and a perky necromancer (note I didn't say what kind of procedural). Or course one of my multi-novel ideas might get a shot in the arm in terms of chances for success if Avatar and V revitalize the "humans v. aliens" sci-fi interest. So there is that.
Or I might start both and let them race.
In any case, I'm finishing this short story soon. And then we'll see.
Still, that was a nice diversion but I need to finish some other stuff. Writing had a brief spurt and then fizzled a bit but I'm using this as a chance to give my last chunk of stuff a chance to stew and bit so I can see if I actually still like it or if I need a new idea or severe rewrite.
Novel ideas keep swirling around in my head half formed. I think I'm going to soon pick one of the "easier" ones and start on it. Some of my ideas are neat, but very research heavy or perhaps a tad ambitious. When I find myself saying "And then in the third book..." maybe I should tackle something a bit more self-contained to start.
I'm starting to get annoyed with the diminishing return that is game writing. I love rpgs, but the money is crap and there's always some fan out there who completely hates your stuff and is more than willing to trash on it. Add to this it's not a whole lot easier to get people to return emails and the like and it's often not worth the trouble.
That said, I'm not going to stop trying to work on that stuff completely. I just think my focus will shift.
But that doesn't mean I will stop writing about the sort of things you find in games. Right now top of my "easy novel" ideas is a procedural that features the world's biggest dwarf and a perky necromancer (note I didn't say what kind of procedural). Or course one of my multi-novel ideas might get a shot in the arm in terms of chances for success if Avatar and V revitalize the "humans v. aliens" sci-fi interest. So there is that.
Or I might start both and let them race.
In any case, I'm finishing this short story soon. And then we'll see.