Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Busy Little Bee...

So with the holidays almost over I'm once again throwing myself into some writing I need to get finished. Some of it is personal, stuff I want to finish and submit. Other is paid work, including some work for a few role-playing game companies, one of them fairly major.

I can't/shouldn't talk much more about it now, NDAs and all, but it looks to be some fun stuff and I hope people like it when it is finished.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Any Year You Can Walk Away From...

So a year older and all that.

Didn't notice it much this time around as I am busy busy with a new writing project I can't speak on much right now. I'm fairly excited about it though and hope to have it done by it's rather quickly approaching deadline.

As such, not gonna make a huge post here.

Some neat stuff for folks to check out:

Video Games: Mass Effect, Call of Duty 4. Both totally different, both totally great.

Books: The Kris Longknife series by Mike Shepard. Fun little sci-fi series.

Comics: Dwayne MacDuffie's JLA

Movies: The Golden Compass was fun. Beowulf was worth seeing, especially in IMAX 3D. Looking forward to Cloverfield.

Pen and Paper Games: Cthulutech. Totally fun and fantastic. Well worth the cost.