Monday, July 20, 2009

Man I Have a Lot of Movies...

So I'm putting up new DVD shelves and I discovered that I have an obscene amount of movies.

Now of course I already knew this, but the more I sort and put away them the more I realize I not only have a lot of films, I have them from all eras, genres, etc...

You want to watch a Jimmy Stewart Western? Come to my place. A western period, really.

Vampire Hunters? Got 'em.

Swashbucklers? From the forties to current decade I'm good.

And then if gets weird. French alchemist digitally rendered thriller? Yep. Vikings v. Aliens? Yep. Lots of HK action films, including some stuff I'm not sure is commercially available here in the US? Why, yes, I have that too.

I know why all this is, of course. I love movies. A lot. I watch many films of various quality the way many people read magazines, watch reality TV, and the like. It's my "go to" entertainment and often it causes me to "got to" weird and wonderful places.

Still, it's a bit odd to realize you own not one, but two copies of a Pre-Revolutonary France Kung Fu Serial Killer Monster movie. Or Thomas Jane's Punisher (the second copy had an animated prequel included!).

But yeah, so movie party at my place...pretty much any time after I get all this stuff put away again.


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