One the Down Low

Not sure why. I think it's due to me being done with a big project but lacking the motivation to start another right now.
Also, contract attorney work blows. No really, it just blows. At least around here. It is so erratic the sizeable pay rate doesn't mean as much as it should and now that the holidays and my writing gig are over I am totally reminded of this. And given Chi-towns immense well of corruption and crap I find myself losing out on other jobs for no other reason than I don't have the right names and connections. So yeah...I'm kinda down on work stuff in general right now. I'm sure it will pass but for now at least I'm more than a wee bit annoyed/bummed.
Somewhere along the way I hit my mid 30s and I'm looking at a place I don't want to be in doing things around people and places I'd rather not and it's kinda uncool. Mostly the stress my current situation has created on myself, my relationships, and my general well being is getting mighty tiring. And remember, I as a rule hate those bitching "oh my life is so hard, wah!" Type blog posts. So it is not completely without irony that I write this.
But I am just having that right combination of bad days and crappy luck and whatever of late to kinda not give a damn about the hyppocrisy of this as much as I otherwise might. If anything, given 2007 taken as an aggregate I kinda feel entitled to a wee bit of disatisfaction.
Still, I don't like. No sir. Probably because it doesn't do much good. My friends will just feel bad for me and any enemies actually reading this (seems unlikely but hey ya never know) will just get an undeserved boost in knowing that I'm feeling off.
So yeah...where was I? Oh yeah,Meh.
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