Sunday, November 12, 2006

Here is the List of More Cool Shit You Requested...

So it's that time again...more stuff from me that you should be reading, watch, playing, etc...

1) The 13 1/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear by Walter Moers (Book)

How in the hell did I miss this? This book has been availiable in English (its originally German as I understand it) for about 7 years and nobody even told me it existed? Whose job is it to tell me these things because they are fired.

In all seriousness, go out and buy this book right now. This is one of the most creative and fun novels I've ever read. If there was a smidge more justice in the world I am confident it would be Captain Bluebear and not Harry Potter who was the kid-friendly fantasy hero du jour. Lewis Carroll on LSD dreams of creating a world such as is contained in this book. Any attempts to describe it are futile, save that it is the book that anyone who even mildly enjoys fantasy should have been reading already.

One bit though, while kids can and should read this, it is rightly in the regular literature section at most bookstores. Which should make it easy enough to go buy it. Really, you can read the rest of this list later.

2) Empire of the Wolves (Movie)

So this at first glance looks like a Jean Reno police drama from France. Then you start watching it and it starts to look like a serial killer movie. Then maybe it's an espionage story. And eventually you get's all of these with a John Woo homage or two thrown in. The end result is very fun, very smart, and overall very cool.

3) Kull: Exile of Atlantis by Robert Howard (Book)

If you've never read Howard and you even kinda like fantasy...well, what are you waiting for? The man really was a fine writer who deserves more attention than just being "that Conan guy." Though even that's not so bad, since the Conan stories are really damned good.

But let's talk about Kull, who is the subject of the newest Howard collection. Kull is a bit more romantic and a bit more proactive than Conan, and he certainly has a better sense of humor than Howard heroes like Solomon Kane. This means Howard's Kull stories might be a good place for Howard neophytes to start.

4) Guitar Hero II (Video Game)

I probably don't have to tell most folks who play video games that Guitar Hero and its sequel are awesome. But just in case I do: They're awesome. That's really about all I have to say on that one. If you liked the first one, get the new one. Sure, I wished they'd put a few different songs on in some cases but since I can now play Jon the Fisherman, Message in a Bottle, Pyschobilly Freakout and Rock This Town on GH, I'm willing to put up with the occasional Lamb of God crapfest.

But Guitar Hero designers, for the third game? I have two words.

Johnny Freakin' Cash. C'mon, get with the program people!

5) Midieval: Total War 2 (Video Game)

I have a confession to make. I know a lot of folks complain about the AI on the Total War games. I know that at easier levels, Rome: Total War it was fairly easy to stomp your enemies with a small number of troops and basic tactics. And I've heard similar complaints about the newest game, Midieval: Total War 2.

And y'know. I don't really care. I rarely played out most battles anyway. I tend to let most of them automatically resolve, confident in the strength of my chosen commanders and my selection of troops. I mean, sure, I play out some big battles...but simulating every skirmish bores the crap out of me.

What makes the Total War series fun for me is the story it tells. Marriages, kids, alliances, etc.. makes for a fascinating dynastic element that for me makes the game worthwhile in spades. It could have killer AI and if I can't play Richard the Bloody of Denmark, son of William the Just, then I don't really care about a little extra RTS challenge.

6) The Prestige (Film)

Okay. Christopher Nolan, the director of Batman Begins and Memento. Plus Christian Bale, Hugh Jackman, Michael Caine. David Bowie as Nikolai Tesla. Really, are you still even reading this? Get out and see this incredibly creative and well done film.

7) The Punisher: The Extended Cut (DVD)

Okay, so while a lot of critics and a fair number of filmgoers didn't like Thomas Jane's Punisher film...well, I say screw 'em. I enjoyed the hell out of it this film, which I generally think was one of the better done Marvel Comics film adaptations. And I for one am all over seeing even more of this film. And in a trend I hope continues in special editions, the film's prelude that was scrapped due to time and budget is going to be animated and included on the DVD. Now that's an extra.

8) The Equalizer (TV Show)

So Spike TV, after pissing me off by canceling their surprisingly good Blade TV series has won me back a bit by rerunning what I think might be the best done and least dated TV show of the 1980s. This tale of an ex-spy trying to redeem himself by helping the helpless is a fine piece of TV that still stands up today. Sadly, there's no DVD release planned that I have heard of but if you get Spike, set your Tivos or whatever and catch an episode or two, I think you won't be disappointed. Particularly cool about this show is the big buff hero is in fact aging, slightly paunchy Edward Woodward, who carries off an air of cool and competence in a way that you see more recently in distinguished actors like Ian McKellan. Woodward's Robert McCall is cool, smart, and utterly dangerous because the actor's talent makes him so.

Well there ya go, I wanted to hit ten, but I have to save some cool stuff for next time.


Blogger Doc Hall said...

You're right about the Prestege. Very enjoyable, especially the bits with Bowie in them.

I wish I was able to recommend something from the UK, but sadly both Torchwood and Robin Hood have failed to live upto expectations. Torchwood's okay, and Robin Hood is enjoyable, but I wouldn't go so far as to say they were Cool Shit.

3:55 AM  
Blogger Jack said...

I think Robin Hood and Torchwood look fun, it's a shame to hear they aren't fantastic but I'm okay with enjoyable.

And for fantastic from the UK I got Dr. Who and Life on Mars, so I hardly feel cheated.

10:38 PM  

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