Friday, September 15, 2006

I Think Ann Coulter Should be Shot in the Face

I mention that only because Netscape has this annoying habit of giving me news articles "of interest" when I call up the browser. And today yet again I was treated to a link to another Coulter rambling, this one mentioning how maligned that drunken hypocritical assbag Joe McCarthy is because history remembers that opportunistic evil dipshit as...well, an opportunistic evil dipshit. And apparently that's bad and a big old clue that all liberals are evil or something.

And I can't be charitable like Henry Rollins. I don't think that a right-wing pundit who trashes on FDR democrats (who include my grandparents), liberal professional women (my wife) and trial lawyers (myself, my father, and my first boss out of law school) and is so ridiculous even Fox News is now trashing her should be a debased and silent love slave of an aging hard rocker...Sorry Henry.*

Nope, I think Ann should be shot in the face. Maybe it's Nick Cave singing sea shanties as I write this which is putting me in the mood, but I think the best thing for Ann is a bullet.

I know that means I can't actually be a liberal myself...after all they're all uber-sissies who shun violence and want everyone to go kiss a terrorist. Or something else Ann would say...since no one has shot her in the face yet. Shame that.

And yes, I realize that Anne is an American (technically) and lives in the US and as such is allowed to speak her mind, such as it is. I realize she has a right to publish books full of fake footnotes and make fun of 9/11 widows.

But it works both ways. That also means I have a right to express my opinions too. And the one I'm expressing right now is...stop me if you've heard this...Ann Coulter should be shot in the face.

Really, I'm allowed to say this. Trust me, I'm a lawyer.**

Course, I really don't think Ann should be shot in the face.

That's much too quick.

* For some clue what I'm talking about, Google Henry Rollins and Ann Coulter and it will become clear.

** And I write that almost unironically.


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