Tuesday, August 01, 2006

I Feel the Hatred Growing Within Me...

So I wrote early on about my wife's problems with her boss. And despite the fact that the end is in sight and she's interviewing for several higher paying and frankly better jobs that will hopefully soon pay off the whole thing still sucks.

Why exactly? Well, I'm glad you asked.

So my wife wasn't feeling well yesterday. She's been interviewing and working like mad and I'm sure the heatwave isn't helping. So as a result of I'm sure at least all of those factors and perhaps many more she was feeling ill. And since she had the sick time saved up she took yesterday off.

You'd think she'd fucking killed someone.

Her boss sends her an email basically accusing her of not coming to work because she didn't feel like it, not because she didn't feel well. She also called her yesterday evening and told her to not come in until she'd been to the doctor and gotten a note.

A note? From the doctor? Does she need to see the principal too?

Ignoring for a fact that all the doctor will and can do legally is say "Yeah, I saw her." What's the point of calling in the evening? If you wanted her to see the doc, call her in the morning so she can make an appointment.

But wait...there's more. She also sent an email to another staff member mentioning some work my wife was doing with the comment "I'm not sure if she knows how the call numbers work."

My wife. The librarian. With the law degree. Who has worked in libraries for about a decade in various capacities...not knowing how library call numbers work.

I've said it before. I can handle silly...I detest stupid. That, my friends, is stupid. I mean you have to be a fucking inbred moron to actually believe that someone with that much library experience can't figure out call numbers.

Well that, or a total fucking bitch. I favor both, myself.

But wait...there's more.

So apparently while her unbelievable idiot bitch of a boss is on vacation, my wife is supposed to email the library director when she arrives, leaves for lunch, gets back from lunch, and leaves for the day. Why? Fucked if I know...but then this is the woman wo has repeatedly stated my wife was absent days she wasn't, late times she was off at training, etc..

This is also the woman who, and this is no exaggeration, cannot actually get the job my wife has. No really, her position requires a law degree (JD) as well as a library science degree (MLS). This cock-juggling thundercunt* has only an MLS...and some sort of genetic brain dysfunction it seems.

The only thing that's keeping me for calling up the school myself and asking what in the hell they think they are doing is the fact that despite this idiot's protestations about my wife's unprofessionalism, attitude, and whatever else she seems to think is wrong, she keeps getting interviews with high-priced law firms that will pay much better and give her more authority and responsibility. In some cases, she is the only candidate they are currently considering.

And yet according to some two-bit middle manager at a (at best) lower second tier law school my wife's not professional and a real problem to work with.

And hey, maybe that's the case. I mean I'm no lawyer, I can't really give a second opinion on the sutiability of such a...

Oh wait, I am a lawyer...I can give myself a second opinion. They suck and she's leaving.**

Seriously, you'd think I was quitting based on how happy I will be when she gets an offer and walk the hell out of there. I seriously wouldn't recommend her current workplace to sickly Make a Wish foundation kids whose one wish was to go into a real law library if in fact it was the only such institution left standing.

Really, fuck them. Sideways. With a chainsaw. And while I realize that's terribly crude...at least it's sincere.

* Admittedly not mine, I gotta give credit to Ryan Reynolds in Blade: Trinity for that one.

** Okay not terribly original either: A paraphrasing of a Venture Brothers line.


Blogger Jim said...

Damn, it seems like the Wicked Bitch Boss of the West definitely had in for Miranda from the beginning.

I'm glad that she's getting a better job and leaving soon, but I wouldn't go without at least writing some notices to the higher-ups in regards to her boss.

8:21 AM  
Blogger Jack said...

Yeah she's considering doing that. Probably won't do much good, but I think she should.

Yesterday she took her doctor's note in and the library supervisor looked at it and said "Well, this doesn't give a diagnosis."

Now keep in mind this is a law library. They would, you'd like, not be utterly ignorant of the law.

Thus you'd think they'd know that doctor's can't reveal a patient's medical history to an employer without consent or a narrowly confined set of circumstances.

And trust me on this one "We're stupid fucks who want to make you life tough whenever you dare to use accumulated sick time" is not one of those circumstances.

1:53 PM  
Blogger Jim said...

Even if it doesn't do much good, it'll be good to have it on record, in case something like this happens again.

I seems that the boss has some weird grudge against Miranda, for whatever idiotic reason. Of course, there's no way to prove this, but I hope she gets out of there soon.

A work environment like that is even more unhealthy than what Miranda had to go to the doctor for.

7:24 AM  

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