Some Comments on the Justice League Season II DVD Set

So I picked up Justice League, Season 2 last night and am reminded how much I enjoy that show. The first season is very good, but it makes some mistakes in plotting and development. Namely the accidential wimpification of Superman. Apparently they kept having him get kicked around to show how nasty the bad guys were and didn't notice he was constantly getting kicked around. The result is a lot of Superman getting thrown through walls and beaten up. For an entire season. It's still fun and well done, but that particular bit seems a bit like a joke that's getting old (and based on Bruce Timm's comments on the Season 1 DVDs, totally accidental).
But enough about Season 1, let's talk about Season 2. Season 2 is where the show really hits its stride. These are big damn heroes doing big damn heroics. They beat up Darkseid, fight a talking gorilla and his Secret Society of Super Villains, and end the whole thing with saving the planet from aliens...again. This is where the big plotlines that set up a complete show revamp in season 3 really started. This is also where the guest stars begin to show up. Sure, the first season had the Green Lanterns and a faux JSA, but this one has Green Lanterns, New Gods, Dr. Fate, and so on. It even ends up with the big Thanagar invastion, which was perviously released as the Justice League movie Starcrossed.
For me I think the strength of this cartoon in any season is probably something that some folks will complain about. That is the show's multiple influences. This isn't retelling old stories from comics. Instead the show takes old stories from comics, combines them with other bits from comics, history, film, and the like and comes up with something both new and familiar. Personally I wish more TV would do this, as the stuff that does usually seems to hold my interest better and longer.*
Also, for folks planning on going to see Superman Returns like yours truly, this came with a free ticket. Thus the 30 bucks I paid for this is really more like around 20. So to say I got my money's worth is an understatement.
*House for example draws heavily from Sherlock Holmes and Supernatural combines Buffy/Angel with some actual folklore and myth.
Starcrossed is on Disc 4 of the season 2 set since it is essentially the last three episodes of that season, much like how Savage Time was the last 3 episodes of season 1.
One odd thing about this set is that the last disc has the most episodes and the first disc has the most extras. That's neither good nor bad really, just atypical from what I've seen.
Hey Jack, it's Jim. Just thought I'd try this thing out.
While the third season of Justice League is my favorite, season two has some of my favorite episodes.
For example, Hereafter has Superman as a classic "planetary romance" character. And in Wild Card, the voice actors for "Teen Titans" do the voices for the Royal Flush gang.
Gotta love little touches like that.
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