Saturday, March 06, 2010

I Have to Ask...

When did admissions of ignorance become banners of pride?

When I read online comments about various books, movies, etc... there is always some guy or gal who just has to pop up and say "I didn't read/watch/haven't even heard of this but I could tell it was stupid/hateful/terrible/racist/secretly loves to rape kittens."

And this is usually in support of someone who has actually experienced the subject in question and is saying what they thought. What? Is that really a great booster for the viewpoint? Hey look! Some dude who knows fuck all what he's talking about thinks I'm right! See? Let's put this one to bed, clearly there's no more to say! Or on the other hand is it a great counterpoint? I read this whole five book series cover to cover and analyzed it for part of my grad degree but "SurlyBat223" looked at a preview and declared it total crap with no redeeming value. Well, I guess we're at an impasse.

I miss the days where an interest in liberalism and equality didn't mean that we had to talk all opinions as equal. Because...what?

No really, that makes negative sense. Think about it.


Blogger 花花蝴蝶 said...

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9:04 PM  
Blogger Jack said...

You know, if I ever get the ability to kill spammers over the internet with my brain...

12:33 AM  

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